Apollo-11 35th Anniversary

Visit to Honeysuckle site and Tidbinbilla Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex (CDSCC).

On Thursday 22nd July those who are interested can join with us on a self drive visit to the old Honeysuckle site - see the camping ground, see the new signs, see the fire damage....

This is primarily for people from 'out of town' but all are invited of course. If anyone needs transport - please contact John Saxon or Mike Dinn during the lunch on the 21st and we'll organise it. There should be plenty of spare seats.

We will meet at the HSK station site at 10am (wear warm clothes :-), then drive to CDSCC to arrive there around midday. Those who would prefer it can visit the Tidbinbilla nature reserve instead, or just drive directly to CDSCC to be there around 12 pm.

At CDSCC we will meet in the visitor's centre and receive a briefing by Glen Nagle (OIC the centre) then have lunch in the Canteen (or the Visitor's centre 'Moonrock cafe'), then small groups will visit the operations control room and building. Since Sept 11th - visits to the Ops room may be limited to ex-tracking station staff. Others can look around the visitors centre - lots to see there. Departure from CDSCC will not be at a fixed time, but is expected to be around 3 pm.

If you would like to come on this excursion - please advise Mike Dinn and or John Saxon via Email or phone if you have not already done so.

John Saxon jsaxon@pcug.org.au  Ph 61611524

Mike Dinn mike@dinn.com  Ph 62814877