The survey was conducted between 17th and 30th August - these were the questions
We had a great response to the survey - a total of 45 were completed suggesting 94 might attend. And I know there are many others who also plan to attend. We discontinued the survey on the 31st Aug 2008.
On the question 'Are you interested to attend the celebration/reunion ... ?'
the response was an average of 4.7 out of 5 (not totally surprising as you were unlikely to complete the survey if you were not interested!).
Question - 'How many might attend' the total was 94. One or two sent regrets and Geoff Seymour kindly volunteered to checkout the contact list and so far he has had some more who hope to attend). So my guess is that we are heading towards 150 without even trying too hard.
Question - 'Would you like to attend all 4 days... ?' Probably should have asked 'would you like to attend day 1, day 2, etc. The result was 24 would attend all 4 days and 21 would not. Quite surprising - I expected more people would not attend all 4 days.
Question - 'Would you prefer coach or private transport?' for out of town events. Unfortunately I allowed positive answers to both! But 19 out of 45 would use coach transport, the remainder their own transport. So we will investigate providing some coach/bus transport - we can always have a sing-along of steely eyed space tracking songs {:-))
Question - 'Should we seek sponsorship from Government or associated organisations (not commercial)?' The average was 3.7 out of 5 - slightly positive. Perhaps I should have used the term 'support' rather than sponsorship. So in the interest of reducing costs and hopefully getting the word out beyond these mailing lists - we will continue to pursue some organisations who have already offered support.
Question - 'Would you be interested in memorabilia?' An average of 3.9 out of 5 showed interest. I would expect sales of DVDs, Books, and probably new and improved 'Kangaroos on the moon' sweat or polo shirts. These might also help defray some costs.
Lots of nice comments and offers to help were also received - many thanks!