Explorer Browser - General Internet Options

Click on View then Internet options.....

Home Page

It is suggested that you "Use Blank" initially. This will prevent Explorer from searching for a WWW page if you start the program when you are off-line.










Temporary Internet files - Settings.......

Suggest leaving the "Check for newer versions" at "every time" - This avoids excessive visits to external sites with associated delays (compared with reading the file stored on your disk drive).

The folder size should be set to about 10% of your disk drive size. This is a good compromise of search time versus disk space usage and retention period for visited pages.






Security and Content Tabs would probably be discussed in an Intermediate training course - it is suggested that initially the defaults be used for those settings:

Connection Settings

If your connection has already been setup using a Windows 95 "Dial up Networking" icon as described in Session 1 of these notes, it is suggested that you leave these settings alone. But ensure that "Connect to the Internet using a modem" is checked (as shown). As previously mentioned - it is not recommended that you use Explorer to connect to your ISP - it just confuses the issue when several programs can dial directly.







Proxy Server settings are very important with many ISPs. The Canberra PCUG settings are shown below:


If the proxy settings are not entered as shown - you will only be able to access pages at www.pcug.org.au

Attempts to access other pages will not be successful.

Note also the items for Exceptions. You will have full access without these, but they lesson the load on the Proxy server.







Program Options

These should be used if you are using other programs instead of some of the Internet Explorer built-in features.

Personal Information is for use with MS formatted Calendar and Contact list items.

Ensure that MSIE checks to see that it is the "default" browser.









Finally to Advanced Options

Generally these can be left at the default values until you gain familiarity with Explorer.

It is worth ensuring that "Always" is checked under "Underline links" as shown. This makes links more obvious on WWW pages.

Note that "Show Pictures" can be unchecked to speed download times. But many sites (particularly commercial ones) cannot be followed correctly without them. Animations, videos, and sounds can be turned off with less loss of meaning.






Back to Session 2.


Aug 1999